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Balance disorders
Giddy, dizzy, light-headed, vertiginus, floating, woozy, off balance, faint or fuzzy? Balance disorders are common but tricky to diagnose - but don't worry help is at hand. If you are suffering with a balance disorder please make an appointment to see one of our chiropractors.
All about shoulders
Our shoulder joints are not weight bearing (unlike our hips) and so we tend to see different problems. Less arthritis and joint replacements and more muscle tears and tendonopathies. These joints can be prone to instability, so if you are experiencing shoulder pain, come down to the clinic and find out how we can help.
"My neck is killing me"
Many people will experience neck pain in their lifetime. Necks are fragile and heads are too heavy. It doesn't take much to upset the delicate balance. Sometimes all you have to do is sleep awkwardly and you can wake up with terrible neck pain. But don't worry, we are here to help!
Walking the Test Way
We all need to walk more and sit less. Get inspired with this article. Walking the Test Way in Hampshire with my dog.
Vitamin D. The Sunshine Vitamin
We all know that vitamin D is essential for strong bones so it's no surprise that the team at Shaftesbury Chiropractic are very keen that you are getting enough. But how much is enough?
Vitamin B12 and Chiropractic
Vitamin B12 is made by gut bacteria. Humans are not able to absorb B12 from their own gut and need to get B12 from food or supplements. Animals have worked out a way to absorb B12 produced by their gut bacteria - making meat, and especially liver, the best source of vitamin B12.
Blue Health
Being near water makes you happier. The concept of blue health started when researches at the university of Sussex asked 20,000 people to record their feelings and location. They had 1,000,000 responses and found that people were happier when they were in blue spaces.