Balance disorders
Giddy, dizzy, light-headed, vertiginus, floating, woozy, off balance, faint or fuzzy? Balance disorders are common but tricky to diagnose - but don't worry, help is at hand. If you are suffering with a balance disorder please make an appointment to see one of our chiropractors.
First of all we work out what type of balance disorder you have:
Vertigo. A feeling of spinning or the room spinning around you
Light headedness. The feeling before you faint or actually fainting
Dysequilibrium. The sensation of being off balance - which may be accompanied by a fall in a specific direction.
Next we work out where the problem is coming from:
The inner ear eg. BPPV
The central nervous system eg. Stroke
The cardiovascular system (heart) eg. irregular heart beat
Other causes eg. cervico-genic dizziness - your dizziness is coming from problems in your neck.
At Shaftesbury Chiropractic we love using this tool to help.
View the spectrumWe often treat BPPV and cervico-genic dizziness!
Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV) is common, caused by misplaced calcium crystals (ocotonia) in the inner ear. Additional symptoms include nausea, visual disturbance, spinning on looking up, rolling over in bed or lying down. One of the key hallmarks of BPPV is that episodes are brief lasting seconds to a minute. We treat this condition with the Epley manouvre.
Cervico-genic dizziness is rare, most likely caused by neck trauma such as whiplash or arthritis. Additional symptoms are neck pain, headaches, imbalance when moving the head. Symptoms last for minutes and are on movement of the neck/head. We treat this with general chiropractic techniques.
If we can help - we will - if not we will refer!
How we can help
Chiropractic can help with BPPV, cervico-genic dizziness and some other causes of dizziness. If you are suffering with a balance disorder - make an appointment to see us so that we can work together to diagnose your condition.
"Certainly go and see Vanesa. I have suffered for two years with BPPV, after only one session the difference is amazing, I am going to have another session this Friday which hopefully will get rid of it all together"
If you feel you've overdone it and want to discuss a niggle or a twinge, call us on 01747 851455. Or email me at
All the best,
Vanessa and the team.