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Balance disorders
Giddy, dizzy, light-headed, vertiginus, floating, woozy, off balance, faint or fuzzy? Balance disorders are common but tricky to diagnose - but don't worry help is at hand. If you are suffering with a balance disorder please make an appointment to see one of our chiropractors.
All about shoulders
Our shoulder joints are not weight bearing (unlike our hips) and so we tend to see different problems. Less arthritis and joint replacements and more muscle tears and tendonopathies. These joints can be prone to instability, so if you are experiencing shoulder pain, come down to the clinic and find out how we can help.
"My neck is killing me"
Many people will experience neck pain in their lifetime. Necks are fragile and heads are too heavy. It doesn't take much to upset the delicate balance. Sometimes all you have to do is sleep awkwardly and you can wake up with terrible neck pain. But don't worry, we are here to help!
Walking the Test Way
We all need to walk more and sit less. Get inspired with this article. Walking the Test Way in Hampshire with my dog.
The Psoas Muscle
Have you heard of the Psoas muscle? We often check the strength of this muscle as if there is any issues with it this can lead to lower back pain. If you spend a lot of time sitting down, this muscle can weaken and cause issues. Ask your chiropractor to check yours!
Is Your Vagus Nerve Happy? Why Laughter Is The Best Medicine.
Why do you feel better for having a good laugh? One reason is that, when we laugh, we stimulate our vagus nerve, which provokes a relaxation response.
Vitamin D. The Sunshine Vitamin
We all know that vitamin D is essential for strong bones so it's no surprise that the team at Shaftesbury Chiropractic are very keen that you are getting enough. But how much is enough?
Vitamin B12 and Chiropractic
Vitamin B12 is made by gut bacteria. Humans are not able to absorb B12 from their own gut and need to get B12 from food or supplements. Animals have worked out a way to absorb B12 produced by their gut bacteria - making meat, and especially liver, the best source of vitamin B12.
Blue Health
Being near water makes you happier. The concept of blue health started when researches at the university of Sussex asked 20,000 people to record their feelings and location. They had 1,000,000 responses and found that people were happier when they were in blue spaces.
Barefoot Babies
Children need barefoot experience to help encourage their bony and soft tissue structures to develop into optimal positioning. It’s really important for their balance and motor skills development too.
Why Is The Calf Muscle Considered The Second Heart?
Did you know that your calf muscles are often called the 'second heart'? As the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to your whole body it benefits from some help by your calf muscles to keep the oxygen-depleted blood flowing round the system - against gravity.
Don't Go Weak At The Knees
After back and neck pain, knee pain is the most common problem we see in the clinic. The knee is an amazing hinge joint. The joint is quite complicated and there are a number of structures that can be injured.
Why Your Knee Pain Could Be A Pain In The Neck
If your Atlas is misaligned, it can have a knock-on effect to your entire skeleton. One shoulder might be higher than the other, causing pain in the shoulder blade. Or your pelvis could be tilted, with danger of disc damage causing severe back pain.
Train Your Brain
The way we move may not always look as graceful as we like, but movement is an amazing thing. And there’s far more to it than most of us realise.Think of it as a constant series of inputs and outputs….
Discs Don't 'Slip' They Bulge
Did you know that there’s no such thing as a slipped disc? These spinal shock absorbers play an important role in spacing and protecting our vertebrae and spinal cord. And, while they don’t slip, they can bulge, herniate or rupture. Which can be excruciating!
Using A Computer? Let's Check Your Posture
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints we see in the clinic, so obviously we see a lot of necks! If you use a computer or spend time on your phone, it's really easy to peer at the screen so that your head is forward of your neck.
Great Health Starts With Your Feet
Did you know that there are 26 bones in the foot and ankle? Our feet go through a lot and it is very important to look after them throughout life. Stiff joints in the feet can lead to problems in the knee, hip and lower back…
5 Easy Ways To Move Our Hips
As we get older our hip joints tend to stiffen up. The hip joint, like the shoulder, is a ball and socket joint. The ball is the top of the femur (thigh bone) and the socket is found in the pelvis. Ball and socket joints are designed to move in all directions. However, it's really easy to lose mobility in our hips.
Need A Helping Hand?
Whether you're an avid texter or a keen gardener, on computers in the office or busy with DIY on the weekend, it's amazing how much work we do with our hands. Often in awkward or repetitive ways. Which can lead to pain or stiffness if you're not careful.